Sunday, May 25, 2014

Getting Organized to get fit!!

If you are organized and track your results, you are 10x more likely to stick with it!
My #1 suggestion is to take weekly pictures! Take pictures on the same day. Use the same bathing suit and position each week. Take a picture from front, back, and both sides. (Hint:use an app such as "PicStitch" to compare your previous weeks photos!! 

Also take measurements instead of counting on the scale. Measure your waist, hips, thigh, upper arm or wherever else you want to see improvements. If you have calipers, you can calculate your body fat. (Keep in mind it is not 100% accurate but you are looking for improvement more than anything!) you can get a cheap pair on This is what I use:
My favorite site to calculate your measurements is:

My #2 suggestion is track your calories. This is easy through the app: "My fitness pal." I also like this app bc you can give access to your trainer or workout partner or anyone responsible for holding you accountable for your food intake. How many calories a day should you be taking in?? My FAVORITE calculator is at: or

My Favorite work out apps/sites are:
MapMyRun, Fitness Buddy, Gymboss or

I hope these are helpful to you!! If you know someone else who might enjoy, please feel free to share! If you have anything you would like me to write about, I am open to suggestions. Check out my blog on supplements, weight training vs. cardio, healthy eating and much more! 

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