So first I want to start off by saying that this weekend was amazing! I did not place top 5, but I am OK with that, because the feedback I received was that I was too muscular for Bikini Division. Too muscular, LOL, Fit Girl Problems. Never thought I would have that problem. This prep was completely different from my last show. My body responded completely different. My diet and training were very different. I added a lot of muscle (and some fat in the process) over the last year and had to work really hard to get to where I am. I am so happy with the progress I made over the last year. Seeing the results only makes me want to continue my fitness journey and see how far my body will let me push it. I never thought I had muscle in my genetics, but I have proven otherwise.
Final Results Pictures:
Fun Pictures: (Ronnie Dale Louis Photography)
The part I enjoy most of this whole process (other than being stronger than many of the guys I know) is sharing my knowledge and inspiring/motivating others to become healthy and fit.
There are so many people who have inspired me and helped me on this journey.
Michael Grys you are my ROCK, my biggest fan, biggest supporter, coach, meal prepper, pep talker and so much more. Thank you. I love you more than you know.
Dad & Beth Your love and support mean the world to me. I love the humor in modesty.
My great friend, cheerleader and photographer Ronnie Louis. Your heart is so huge. I love you dearly.
All my L.A. Fitness gym peeps. Always encouraging and cheering me on with kind words and smiles.
AZ Pro Physiques (Erik Young) for sculpting me and (Crystal and Debbie) training me through contest Prep.
Thank you EVERYONE.
Not sure what the future holds, but I can say that I don’t think the competition thing is out of my system. I love having a goal to work towards to keep me on track and motivated.