Thursday, October 30, 2014

Post Comp Update & Pics

So first I want to start off by saying that this weekend was amazing! I did not place top 5, but I am OK with that, because the feedback I received was that I was too muscular for Bikini Division. Too muscular, LOL, Fit Girl Problems. Never thought I would have that problem. This prep was completely different from my last show.  My body responded completely different. My diet and training were very different. I added a lot of muscle (and some fat in the process) over the last year and had to work really hard to get to where I am. I am so happy with the progress I made over the last year. Seeing the results only makes me want to continue my fitness journey and see how far my body will let me push it. I never thought I had muscle in my genetics, but I have proven otherwise.

Final Results Pictures:


Fun Pictures: (Ronnie Dale Louis Photography)


The part I enjoy most of this whole process (other than being stronger than many of the guys I know) is sharing my knowledge and inspiring/motivating others to become healthy and fit.

There are so many people who have inspired me and helped me on this journey.

Michael Grys you are my ROCK, my biggest fan, biggest supporter, coach, meal prepper, pep talker and so much more. Thank you. I love you more than you know.

Dad & Beth Your love and support mean the world to me. I love the humor in modesty.

My great friend, cheerleader and photographer Ronnie Louis. Your heart is so huge. I love you dearly.

All my L.A. Fitness gym peeps. Always encouraging and cheering me on with kind words and smiles.

AZ Pro Physiques (Erik Young) for sculpting me and (Crystal and Debbie) training me through contest Prep. 

Trinity Fitness Beauty who made me beautiful for the show. AZ Pro Bikini Team (esp. Kelli D.) you girls made this process so much more fun.

Thank you EVERYONE.

Not sure what the future holds, but I can say that I don’t think the competition thing is out of my system. I love having a goal to work towards to keep me on track and motivated.





Reason #1 Lack of Focus

Think back to the last time you did a workout. Did you really give it your all?  Many people hit the gym and just go through the motions. They may spend more time taking selfies, texting, or finding the right music than actually lifting. You can't expect great results if you half-ass your workout.  The next time you have a date with the iron, dial it in and focus. Feel your muscles squeezing at the top of each rep. Extra focus can increase your intensity and mean the difference between mediocre and superior results.

1.       Go to the gym with a plan

2.       Have a weekly plan to make sure you hit all muscle groups with sufficient rest/recovery days

3.       Commit to a fit healthy lifestyle (YOU CAN’T OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET)

4.       Stop the Excuses


Reason #2 No Measurable Accountability

Tracking everything you do in the gym takes time, but it has a big payoff. You might remember what you did for your last workout, but what did you do last month? If you don't keep track of changes over time, how will you spot trends in your progress, learn which programs produce the best results, or discover how your body reacts to new stimuli?  By keeping a workout log, you'll be able to track your history in the gym. That's an important aspect when it comes to choosing new workout regimens, assessing strengths and weaknesses, and determining your future goals.

1.       Track Calories

2.       Track weight/ Measurements/Body Fat

3.       Track Workouts and have a set plan


Reason #3 Loss of Interest

Your quest for a better body should also be a quest for knowledge. From new nutrition protocols to new supplement information and workout techniques, there's always something to learn. The most successful individuals constantly strive to better themselves in both mind and body.  Take the time to do research, read, and learn about your goals. The more you know about them, the more prepared you'll be for setbacks, and the more likely you'll find success.

1.       Educate yourself

2.       Read new/current Studies on nutrition and fitness

3.       Don’t believe everything the Magazines tell you

4.       Know the difference between new “fad diets” Take from them what will work for you and make them your own.


Reason #4 Lack of Passion

Take the time to stop and simply enjoy the process to help you make the most of your fitness journey. When running a marathon you wouldn't focus on the finish line. You'd focus on what's immediately ahead of you. Focus on doing everything you are capable of in the now, and the future will take care of itself.  There's no need to rush. Know that muscle-building takes a lot of time, and it's your long-term passion that will ultimately see it through. Be patient and have fun!

1.       Don’t skip Rest Days

2.       Enjoy your weekly cheat meal

3.       Enjoy the little gains, because when you put them all together they make a huge difference.

Reason #5 Avoiding your Weakness

Hate doing squats? Maybe that's a sign that you should make them your highest training priority! Training your weaknesses can make huge differences in your physique.  It's important to hit your weak points and turn them into features that stand out in the crowd.  Try starting a workout by fatiguing the muscle groups you feel are weakest, and then progresses into your stronger muscles from there. This way you train to you fullest capacity.

1.       Find new interesting Exercises

2.       Work out with a partner/trainer who pushes you

3.       Focus on the end result/goal

With all of these aspects, your trainer holds you accountable. On your own, you may stray.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

1 Week Countdown

Starting on a positive note...Today has been the best day I have had all week. The support and kind words from my trainer, posing coaches and girls I am competing with makes all the difference in the world. 

Had a great training session with my friend Alana lastnight! She rocks! If you live in Casa Grande and need a trainer...she is the girl! She knows her stuff: training, diet, supplements and all! 

Now for the rough stuff. The inside truth. This week sucked. Mike went out of town for work and the kids were with their dad.  I felt alone, hungry and miserable. There were positive aspects! I lost 1.5 pounds, got leaner.  Better yet, I received kind, encouraging messages and cards at what seemed like perfect timing. It means so much! This "sport" for lack of better term, is hard for some people to understand! That is ok, you don't need to understand it to support someone going through it! The support is all we need. 

Most people can't even comprehend the amount of dedication, will power, and mental strength involved in this crazy fitness world. For me those aspects are a good thing! I have learned that the only thing that stops me from reaching my goals is ME! 

One more week to go! I got my suit, my appointments are set, hotel booked. Ready or not here we go! The truth is I do not feel 100% ready, but then again, there is Always room for improvement. I can honestly say I have accomplished more in the last year of training than I thought possible. I still want more! I have not set my next goal (focusing on this week first). But I will remain forever goal oriented and I will continue to always strive to be a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today!

This is my picture from posing today. This is pre water depletion. I am still intaking sodium (until tomorrow). Over the next week I will cut out water and sodium and probably lose 5 lbs. (I get it right back post competition). This process makes your muscles pop and makes you look super lean. 

The next time you see me will be show prep! I can't wait to eat pizza and a brownie after!!! 

Thanks for your positive thoughts and encouragement! Have a great week! ❤️

Gym Selfie: #dembiceps#creepers#photobomber

Monday, October 13, 2014

Heathy Eating Tip

By having healthy foods and snacks with me at all times, I eliminate the possibility of grabbing something unhealthy to eat and I have better control of how the foods were prepared and what I am putting into my body. Always have some shakes/bars/ fruit/snacks set aside to grab in a hurry, so that you don’t get stuck without anything. Make it a priority to prepare, carry and eat healthy foods all the time. 


Saturday, October 4, 2014

If You Think...

If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don't,
If you like to win, but you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN! 

Update (3 Week Count Down)

Today has been a great day! My coach and I have been debating whether or not to wait and do the November show instead of the October show. Today we decided to keep October our focus and see what happens. 

I had a great day at posing practice. It has been great getting to know the other girls and make friends! It is so nice to talk to like minded women who are going through the same things I am going through. 

This week was tough (understatement)! I lowered my calories (a lot) and doubled my cardio. The results were worth it! After days like today, it reminds me why I do this. I am more determined than ever. Can't wait to see what this week brings! 

As always, thank you for your support! Your kind words on a tough day make all the difference in the world. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Whole Body Plyometric Circuit

Whole Body Plyometric Circuit
(SUPPLIES optional: Ball, platform, 20 lb weight, ab straps) 
Do each set 3x through, Rest 1 minute, then do next 4 exercises!
Squat Jumps (knees in) 10-15
kettle bell swings 20
leg lift with hip raise 10-15
Lateral burpee box jump 10
Sumo Jumps (knees out) 10-15
Plank Jacks 20
tricep dips 20
Box Jumps 10-15
Straddle Jumps 20
hanging leg lift 20
Lunge Jumps 20
push-ups 20
hip thrusters 20
Skaters 30
Side step ups 10 each leg
ball pikes 10

If you really want it you WILL make it happen...if will make EXCUSES!