Monday, July 13, 2015

Workout Schedule

In order to design a workout schedule, you need to set goals. 

My goals are to lean and increase muscle mass in my legs, shoulders and lats. I am in a so called bulking phase, so I only do 30 minutes of cardio 3x per week (if that).  I am mostly weight training. Here is my schedule:

MONDAY: Quads, hamstring and glutes
TUESDAY: Shoulders
FRIDAY: Shoulders
SATURDAY: Biceps, Triceps, Abs
SUNDAY: REST or Cardio

(Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday are interchangeable) 

I have been very happy with my progress. I am adding 100 calories per week to my "diet" and still losing an average of 1 lb per week. 

My body fat decreased by 1% in the last month even though I am eating 300-400 calories more per day. (Currently at 1900 calories per day: 38% carb & protein 24% fat.)

Set goals and stick with them. Don't expect results took years to put that weight on and it will take some time to get it off. 

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