Sunday, May 25, 2014

Excuse #7: I’m busy taking care of my kids

I know everyone has to learn the hard way, but you get to hear my story and advice anyway. 

I gained 80 lbs during my first pregnancy and 65 lbs during my second preganacy. I hit 200 lbs both times. I started out at 120/135.  I was 155-160 lbs after the birth of my second child. It was all fat. No muscle there. I was heavier than I had ever been. I did not like how I felt or looked. I was not eating healthy or working out much. I was depressed. You have all heard that saying "happy wife happy life"? Well all those negative emotions that I felt about myself bled out and affected my family. I was always tired, cranky, and impatient. So what did I do? I ate comfort foods to help me feel better. It worked right? Nope sure didn't. Yep, felt worse. With all the other stress in my life = downward spiral. I felt hopeless, unworthy, and flat out miserable.

Then one day, something slapped me in the face! I realized that my kids were going to grow up and act exactly like me! Did I want them to be miserable? Hell No! I want to set a good example for them. I want them to be happy and healthy. I want them to see me happy and healthy. So I made some BIG changes in my life. 

Moral of the story. Saying you can't work out bc you have kids or don't have time is the WORST of all excuses! It really is! You are their example. Show them. Teach them how to eat healthy and exercise together.  You will not believe what a positive impact this will have on both/all of you! 

No childcare? Join a gym that has childcare. News flash...those germs they pick up will make their immune systems stronger. Better to build them now than wait for school and have them out sick all the time.

Most importantly, Keep in mind that your happiness and well being affect the ENTIRE family. Working out is a form of stress relief. It is also known to give you more energy and help you sleep better. No more excuses! Just do it 😉💪

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