Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Press Away

(3 sets of all)
Seated Shoulder Press 25,30,35
Push press 30,40,50
21's front, side, rear 10lb x 10
Single Arm Squat press 10,15, 20
EZ curl Front raise 25,35,40
Shrugs 55,65,80
Dumbbell front raise SS side raises (no rest) 10,12,15 drop 
Stretch with 5 lb arm circles

(THESE ARE THE WEIGHTS I USE! It has taken me over a year to work up to this! Start at 5 & 10 lb weights and work your way up from there!!!!!)

I am trying to eat healthy while on vacay! It is hard. I am making sure I drink extra water and trying to eat fruit instead of junk food. I can see my muscles growing with lifting heavier weights, but I am not as lean due to extra calorie intake. Bulk now lean out later.

I have had amazing workouts this week. My whole body is a good sore! I am curious if anyone else has tried my workouts and what the results were.

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