Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Progress Pic:
I feel like my progress is slow, but at least it is progress...
I just want to take a minute to stress the importance of working out your back. From personal experience I can say I had back pain nearly every day for as long as I could remember. I was afraid to work out because I thought I would get injured and make it worse. Boy was I wrong!! I am virtually pain free now and have been for the past year! What changed? 

I went to a chiropractor last year that did X-rays and diagnosed me with scoliosis. I have a 15-20% curve in my lower back. He said the only practical thing that will help you is to work out! Strengthen the muscles in your back and don't give your spine the opportunity to continue to curve. 

So, I started doing "real" back workouts (like the one below) and I can't believe the difference it has made. My only regret is that I did not start working out sooner and spent so much time and money on pain pills and chiropractors etc. 

Back Workout:

Bent over rows 

Pull-ups alternate w/chin ups 4/15

Lat pull down

Reverse grip lat pull down

Reverse push-ups (use smith machine)

Tbar rows (one of my FAVS!)

Weighted Rows 

& of course ABS 
Roman chair leg raises 3 sets of 25

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