Sunday, July 20, 2014

Trying New Things!

I am always researching and looking for new ideas.  I am anxious to try this, so bear with me while I try something new to see if I get better results. If you see better results after trying my new plan, please feel free to share! 

My rationale behind this is to hit the major muscle groups more than once every 7 days. With this plan you hit them every 5th day. It also allows two rest days, one if which I will add plyos or circuits and abs. I try to do at least 10/15 minutes of ABS every other day!

Here is the WOD. I finished it a couple hours ago and I already feel it!

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Flat bench Barbell Press

Standing Shoulder Press

Tricep Rope Push Down

Suspension Trainer Pushups

Incline Dumbbell Press

Y Raises

Dumbbell Protraction

Tricep Cable Crossovers

Rest 30-45 seconds between sets.

(No pics today...let google images be your friend ;-)

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