Sunday, May 25, 2014

Skewed Body Image!

One thing that rarely gets addressed and I feel is extremely important. I am definitely guilty of it! Skewed body image. What is this? This is you seeing your body different than everyone else sees it. For the most part, we (women) are our own worst critic! We are perfectionist by nature. We can actually be so hard on ourselves that we are afraid of failure and don't even start or try.  Most women think they are bigger than they actually are. So let's take a look at some pictures to show you what I mean.  Which do you think you are?

Here is my picture. I would have put myself in the 17-20% range...I was 10-12% body fat (7 pt skin test w/calipers). I weighed about 118-120 lbs. (I am 5'6). **Looking back, I think I look too skinny. It was only for the show. I am comfortable at my current weight. 130-133lbs.

Here is another thing. When I tell people that I weigh 130 lbs. they say "no way!" Maybe they are just being kind or maybe it really is because of that phrase we always hear "muscle weighs more than fat."
This is why people who are the same weight can look so different.  
This is why we do not trust the scale. Water weight, bloating, etc. can all skew the scale on a daily basis. I suggest only weighing once a week to get your weight for your 7 pt. body fat test and add to your fitness log. More often than that is pointless. Go off what your measurements and pictures say!! BTW why haven't you taken your pictures yet? I am telling you, it is a MUST! Best to do them first thing in the morning after your dump (yes we all do that) but before you eat! Set a weekly reminder and do this. It is just as important as your workout!

READ THIS!! by Miss Elle Foxx Delallo

That is all! 😊

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