Sunday, August 10, 2014


Does it scare you when I say that it has taken me over a year of working out six days a week/two hours a day to get where I am physically?  I get really intimidated and a little overwhelmed when I read that some of my idles have spent YEARS and years at this pace to get to their level. 

Our society is sadly based on instant gratification. Everyone wants and expects immediate results. When it doesn't happen quickly, people burn out and give up (in every aspect of life). Well I have a news flash...whether you quit or not, whether you think your goal will take too long, TIME IS STILL GOING TO PASS! You might as well fight it out! Finish what you start! Prove to yourself and everyone else that you are not a quitter! Show your children the kind of determination that they are going to need to succeed in life! Teach them will power and dedication. Set goals, make plans and reach those goals! Show them that no "EXCUSE" is worth not reaching your goals. 

Update pics coming soon! I started slimming this week. Started of at 149; down to 144 in 1 week! Cut my calories, increased my cardio! I start working with AZ PRO PHYSIQUES on Thursday and am super excited about my new endeavor! I strive on change and a good challenge! 

Try to hold me back, I dare you! Try to tell me I can't do me prove you wrong! I am physically and mentally stronger than I have EVER been! 

Thank you for sharing in my journey and for all your support! It means the world to me! 

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