Saturday, August 30, 2014

Where Have You Been?

Where have I been? Did I quit? Never! I have been totally focused on my new goals! I have 8 weeks left and am kicking my workouts and Diet into full gear. I am starting to decrease my calories each week from my "bulking phase" to my "lean out phase." 

When I found out I would be competing in October instead of November, I kind of freaked out. That was three fewer weeks than I thought. Might not seem like much but in my world/my goals, it's huge. Then I had to switch to bikini. Which means I have to lean back down.  Just as everything in life, when you are thrown a curve ball...adjust and keep pushing! I CAN and I WILL! 

So my workouts have changed as well. I am loving it. I started training with AZ Pro Physiques. My trainer, Erik, has redefined intensity! High Rep/Short Rest! I am loving it and feeling great. Since I am bottom heavy, I am really having to focus on leaning out my legs and glutes. That means lots of lunges, glute kick backs and leg presses. 

I am currently doing 4-6 exercises per workout per body part. I do 3-4 sets at 15-25 reps. Doing everything as super sets. Maximum 30 second rests. 

Only takes about 30-45 minutes depending on how many body parts. I get to do legs 3x per week. Yikes! Yes it is as painful as it sounds! Love the burn!

I hope you are all well. I will post update pics soon. Keep pushing forward to reach your goals! You can do it!

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