Saturday, October 18, 2014

1 Week Countdown

Starting on a positive note...Today has been the best day I have had all week. The support and kind words from my trainer, posing coaches and girls I am competing with makes all the difference in the world. 

Had a great training session with my friend Alana lastnight! She rocks! If you live in Casa Grande and need a trainer...she is the girl! She knows her stuff: training, diet, supplements and all! 

Now for the rough stuff. The inside truth. This week sucked. Mike went out of town for work and the kids were with their dad.  I felt alone, hungry and miserable. There were positive aspects! I lost 1.5 pounds, got leaner.  Better yet, I received kind, encouraging messages and cards at what seemed like perfect timing. It means so much! This "sport" for lack of better term, is hard for some people to understand! That is ok, you don't need to understand it to support someone going through it! The support is all we need. 

Most people can't even comprehend the amount of dedication, will power, and mental strength involved in this crazy fitness world. For me those aspects are a good thing! I have learned that the only thing that stops me from reaching my goals is ME! 

One more week to go! I got my suit, my appointments are set, hotel booked. Ready or not here we go! The truth is I do not feel 100% ready, but then again, there is Always room for improvement. I can honestly say I have accomplished more in the last year of training than I thought possible. I still want more! I have not set my next goal (focusing on this week first). But I will remain forever goal oriented and I will continue to always strive to be a better version of myself tomorrow than I am today!

This is my picture from posing today. This is pre water depletion. I am still intaking sodium (until tomorrow). Over the next week I will cut out water and sodium and probably lose 5 lbs. (I get it right back post competition). This process makes your muscles pop and makes you look super lean. 

The next time you see me will be show prep! I can't wait to eat pizza and a brownie after!!! 

Thanks for your positive thoughts and encouragement! Have a great week! ❤️

Gym Selfie: #dembiceps#creepers#photobomber

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