Thursday, October 30, 2014


Reason #1 Lack of Focus

Think back to the last time you did a workout. Did you really give it your all?  Many people hit the gym and just go through the motions. They may spend more time taking selfies, texting, or finding the right music than actually lifting. You can't expect great results if you half-ass your workout.  The next time you have a date with the iron, dial it in and focus. Feel your muscles squeezing at the top of each rep. Extra focus can increase your intensity and mean the difference between mediocre and superior results.

1.       Go to the gym with a plan

2.       Have a weekly plan to make sure you hit all muscle groups with sufficient rest/recovery days

3.       Commit to a fit healthy lifestyle (YOU CAN’T OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET)

4.       Stop the Excuses


Reason #2 No Measurable Accountability

Tracking everything you do in the gym takes time, but it has a big payoff. You might remember what you did for your last workout, but what did you do last month? If you don't keep track of changes over time, how will you spot trends in your progress, learn which programs produce the best results, or discover how your body reacts to new stimuli?  By keeping a workout log, you'll be able to track your history in the gym. That's an important aspect when it comes to choosing new workout regimens, assessing strengths and weaknesses, and determining your future goals.

1.       Track Calories

2.       Track weight/ Measurements/Body Fat

3.       Track Workouts and have a set plan


Reason #3 Loss of Interest

Your quest for a better body should also be a quest for knowledge. From new nutrition protocols to new supplement information and workout techniques, there's always something to learn. The most successful individuals constantly strive to better themselves in both mind and body.  Take the time to do research, read, and learn about your goals. The more you know about them, the more prepared you'll be for setbacks, and the more likely you'll find success.

1.       Educate yourself

2.       Read new/current Studies on nutrition and fitness

3.       Don’t believe everything the Magazines tell you

4.       Know the difference between new “fad diets” Take from them what will work for you and make them your own.


Reason #4 Lack of Passion

Take the time to stop and simply enjoy the process to help you make the most of your fitness journey. When running a marathon you wouldn't focus on the finish line. You'd focus on what's immediately ahead of you. Focus on doing everything you are capable of in the now, and the future will take care of itself.  There's no need to rush. Know that muscle-building takes a lot of time, and it's your long-term passion that will ultimately see it through. Be patient and have fun!

1.       Don’t skip Rest Days

2.       Enjoy your weekly cheat meal

3.       Enjoy the little gains, because when you put them all together they make a huge difference.

Reason #5 Avoiding your Weakness

Hate doing squats? Maybe that's a sign that you should make them your highest training priority! Training your weaknesses can make huge differences in your physique.  It's important to hit your weak points and turn them into features that stand out in the crowd.  Try starting a workout by fatiguing the muscle groups you feel are weakest, and then progresses into your stronger muscles from there. This way you train to you fullest capacity.

1.       Find new interesting Exercises

2.       Work out with a partner/trainer who pushes you

3.       Focus on the end result/goal

With all of these aspects, your trainer holds you accountable. On your own, you may stray.

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