Monday, July 28, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Everyone is motivated a little differently. Learn what type of motivation best suits you and then use that knowledge to attack your awesome fitness goals! By: Jamie Eason Apr 14, 2014
One of my favorite topics to speak and write about is motivation. I like talking about motivation because it's so personal. Everybody has his or her own brand of self-encouragement and determination. Each of us is motivated a little differently.
During a recent webinar for Gold's Gym, I discussed the six types of motivation. I spoke about this topic because knowing which type of motivation best compels you can be a really important factor in achieving your fitness goals. It went over so well that I thought I would share it with you!
As you read through these motivation types, you may realize that you fall into more than one category‐that's a good thing! You can use various techniques to ensure that you make it through those rough days and move onto bigger and better things.
People who are motivated by achievement desire to improve skills and prove their competency to themselves and others. It can be an internal desire to strive for personal accomplishment or a search for positive feedback or recognition from others.
If you're motivated by achievement and recognition from others, tie your goals to something personal like being healthy and fit for your family. We all want to feel like a good mom or dad and it certainly never hurts to get affirmation from others who see us feeding our children healthy options and staying active.
If you're more intrinsically motivated, take photos of yourself regularly so you can compare them and see the results. When you do notice changes, take a moment to reflect and bask in the glory. Allow your success to motivate you to future changes!
Nobody wants to feel stagnant or stuck in their situation. The desire for personal growth and change can be a great motivator.
Your motivation to change can be related to fitness. You no longer want to be sedentary, overweight, or too thin. You want to change your lifestyle, feel better about yourself, and discover a new identity. If you're ready to change who you are, start identifying yourself as what you want to be: a cyclist, a runner, a bodybuilder, or a dancer. Tell people that's who you are. From there, your new self-identification becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You turn into what you want to be!
Another great way to use growth motivation is to look at your workout as a break, a time to focus on yourself without any work or kids to interrupt you. Personal time is so important for your own well-being. Thinking of your workout as personal, and therefore as a way to improve yourself will help you stick to your workouts.
If you're motivated by power, it means you want to control your own life. You want to determine the outcome and are thus more driven to create the outcome you want. If this sounds like you, you can harness your desire for control by setting smaller, attainable goals.
More important than setting a main goal to lose 40 pounds, set weekly and monthly goals to increase your reps or weight and/or increase your cardio. It's also smart to start off with bite-sized chunks. So, instead of setting the goal to go to the gym every single day, set the goal to work out three times per week. Setting attainable, realistic goals will help empower you to succeed.
Another way to tap into the power aspect of motivation is to vary your routine and choose what you want and like to do. Doing the same exercises and routines over and over can be monotonous and can often lead to plateaus. You can also keep a journal about which weights you use each workout and how much you increase each week.
Social motivation can be extremely effective, especially with so many social media platforms. With a desire to belong or to catch the eye of a special someone, people will often use the affirmations from others to motivate them further. Some people who are motivated socially also like to use their success to encourage others to make positive changes of their own.
If you're motivated socially, find a buddy to train with. There is nothing like some friendly competition to spur a good workout. You may also consider joining an exercise class. The camaraderie you develop with your classmates is a great way to keep you coming back.
Some people are motivated through fear of consequences. This type of motivation can be effective, but can also be a little extreme. If you like to have consequences attached to a goal, go public with your fitness goals and post them on social media. The fear of disappointing others or publicly failing is often enough to keep you on track.
If you find this type of motivation is effective, you may want to think about signing up for an event like a fitness competition, a mud run, or a marathon. Along with paying an entry fee, the fear of stepping on stage or performing poorly at an event just might be the push you need. Buying fancy workout clothes and hiring a trainer can also play into this type of motivation. The fear of wasting money may actually keep you coming back to the gym.
Incentive motivation involves rewards. Knowing that that there is a reward for tackling your fitness goals can make the whole experience more fun and exciting. Perhaps the incentive is a long-awaited vacation? You could pay yourself after each completed workout. If you paid yourself $5 per workout four times each week, you'd have about $1,000 by the end of the year. That's a decent vacation!
Another good and often favorite incentive for many people is a night out for dinner without worrying about calories or macros. I'd recommend only doing this once each month—you don't want to squash a week's worth of hard work in a single sitting.
Extra Motivation Ideas
Here are more things you can do to stay motivated through your fitness journey!
§ Keep your gym music fresh. High-energy music will help you work out with more intensity and focus.
§ Get enough sleep! Lack of sleep will derail your training program faster than anything. Most people overcompensate for their lack of energy by eating too much or skipping the gym altogether.
§ Be patient. Make a promise to yourself to stick with it for at least 3 or 4 months. Consistency is the key
§ Don't try to change every habit at once. Choose one habit to change at a time. For example, start with "get at least 7 hours of sleep each night."
§ Stick to your diet and exercise plan for at least 30 consecutive days. The more often behaviors are repeated, the more likely they will become ingrained and habitual.
My number one motivational tip is: Get on a professionally designed, long-term program! Lasting change is about progression and consistency. You can't expect to stay motivated 100 percent of the time. Proper, individualized programming can carry you through when your willpower falters.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Squat | Focus: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, lower back
Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, a light bend in your knees and your toes turned out slightly. Keeping your head neutral, abs tight and torso erect, bend at the knees and hips to slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Pause when your legs reach a 90-degree angle, then forcefully drive through your heels, extending at your hips and knees until you arrive at the standing position.
1 Keep your eyes forward throughout the move. Don’t crank your head to look up as is sometimes suggested. This will keep your spine strong and stable and build good habits for when you add resistance.
2 Think about moving quickly through the positive, or “up,” portion of the lift. By thinking about moving more quickly, your brain will summon more total muscle fibers into play to complete each rep.
3 You can vary your foot spacing from set to set to alter the muscle recruitment pattern. A slightly wider stance, where your feet are just outside of shoulder-width, will focus more on your inner thighs. A narrower stance will hit your outer thighs harder.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Trying New Things!
I am always researching and looking for new ideas. I am anxious to try this, so bear with me while I try something new to see if I get better results. If you see better results after trying my new plan, please feel free to share!
My rationale behind this is to hit the major muscle groups more than once every 7 days. With this plan you hit them every 5th day. It also allows two rest days, one if which I will add plyos or circuits and abs. I try to do at least 10/15 minutes of ABS every other day!
Flat bench Barbell Press
Standing Shoulder Press
Tricep Rope Push Down
Suspension Trainer Pushups
Incline Dumbbell Press
Y Raises
Dumbbell Protraction
Tricep Cable Crossovers
Rest 30-45 seconds between sets.
(No pics today...let google images be your friend ;-)
First, I want to say that I do not believe in low carb/no carb diets! Carb consumption can be very confusing, but it is important to remember that Carbs help fuel muscle tissue growth and recovery, boost energy and satisfy hunger and cravings. HOWEVER, taking in too many carbs at the wrong time encourages the body to store fat. Learning when and which types of carbs you should eat throughout the day will give you the fuel you need to achieve your goals, yet keep off excess weight.
The biggest carb mistake most people make eating too many fruits. This will completely sabotage your diet. I think for most normal people and/or people trying to lose weight, keeping your carbs between 100-150 grams per day is highly realistic. The important thing to remember is to consume them Wisely!!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Here’s the Skinny:
#1: At rest, women burn more glucose (carbs) than men and less fat. In addition, women tend to have greater fat storage after eating, which also contributes to their higher body fat percentage.
From an evolutionary perspective, it’s favorable for women to have more body fat because these fat stores will be used during pregnancy and lactation. Once young women become able to reproduce, their bodies will begin storing fat around the hips and thighs “locking it away” in preparation for having a baby.
What To Do About It: Regardless of whether you’re planning on having a baby, get adequate DHA in your diet. Shoot for a balanced ratio of omega-3 fats to omega-6 fats by limiting your intake of vegetable fats and oils.
Make your body metabolically flexible so that it is capable of burning fat for energy. Do this by limiting carbohydrates in your diet at certain times so that your body is forced to learn to burn fat.
For example, try eating lower carb on a day when you aren’t training but higher carb on workout days. Doing anaerobic-style exercise such as weight lifting and sprints also improves the body’s metabolic flexibility.
#2: Women and men burn (and store) body fat differently. Women rely on fat for fuel during exercise to a much greater degree than men. This makes exercise absolutely essential for women to lose fat because of the unfortunate fact that women burn much less fat at rest.
In addition, women store fat right below the skin (subcutaneously), whereas men have more visceral fat. Visceral fat is metabolically active and a risk for cardiovascular health and insulin resistance. Meanwhile, for women, having a reasonable amount of lower body fat indicates better health and less heart disease risk!
Women tend to lose fat from the upper body first, but have a harder time losing lower body fat. As mentioned in #1, women’s bodies preferentially store fat for pregnancy, but they also have a greater number of alpha receptors in this region than men. The combination of alpha receptors and estrogen inhibits the loss of fat. Men have a higher total proportion of beta receptors, which makes it easier for them to mobilize fat to burn it off.
To get rid of stubborn lower body fat, research shows women must perform anaerobic training. For example, a recent study found that by adding a strength program to an aerobic exercise protocol produced superior fat loss. Women who did concurrent training lost 12.2 percent of fat mass from the legs, decreased hip circumference by 4 percent, and lost 9.7 percent of the original body fat.
In contrast, the women who did aerobic training lost 5.7 percent fat mass from the legs, decreased hip circumference by 4 percent, and lost 5 percent of their original body fat.
Scientists suggest that the higher intensity of resistance exercise helps to stimulate the release of body fat from fat cells so that it can be burned for energy. In addition, it’s possible (though not definitive) that estrogen has a positive effect on fat burning during exercise via a few mechanisms:
• Estrogen appears to limit the breakdown of triglycerides in the blood stream for storage.
• Estrogen enhances epinephrine production for greater fat burning.
• Estrogen stimulates growth hormone, which plays a role in fat metabolism and stimulates blood flow.
What To Do About It: Perform strength training, favoring multi-joint exercises, with a focus on lower body and total body lifts such as squats, deadlifts, step ups, and lunges. Do high-intensity interval training on a track, bike, or by pushing a sled to target the alpha receptors and enhance fat loss from the lower body.
#3: Stress affects women’s metabolism, inhibiting fat loss. Of course, stress affects fat loss for everyone, but it’s possible certain kinds of stress are more harmful to women than men.
Stress leads to persistent cortisol secretion, and cortisol’s primary function is to increase blood sugar (bringing with it an insulin spike) so you have enough energy to get through a stressful situation.
When this becomes chronic, the body turns the hormone pregnenolone, which is a precursor to estrogen and testosterone, into progesterone, which is then used to make cortisol and aldosterone. Together these hormones lead to greater fat storage and more fluid retention. Not only will you have more cortisol, but you’ll have less estrogen and testosterone.
Women with lower testosterone than normal have a disadvantage when it comes to fat loss. Although elevated estrogen is not beneficial for loss, low estrogen isn’t either as we saw in #2, because it inhibits the greater fat oxidation that women experience during exercise. The body’s just not working right any more. Everything is out of whack and fat loss simply won’t happen.
What To Do About It: Find stress management strategies that work for you, whether it’s meditation, yoga, psychological therapy, or something else.
Focus on optimizing your circadian rhythms. Consider that the body operates around a 24-hour circadian clock. Each person’s clock is slightly different, a trait known as chronotype or tendency toward being a morning or evening person. Chronotype reflects the time of the day that someone’s physical functions (hormone level, body temperature, cognitive faculties, eating and sleeping) are active.
When you adhere to your chronotype, you can promote balance and optimal health. When you go against the clock, the innate rhythms are disrupted. This will increase stress and make fat loss much more difficult.
#4: Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction tends to be detrimental for women but beneficial for men.
Intermittent fasting (IF) and calorie restriction is a glaring example of how stress negatively affects women’s metabolism compared to men. Both are metabolically beneficial for most men, allowing them to lose fat, lower inflammation, and improve disease risk factors.
However, research shows fasting is harmful for female reproductive health. Anecdotally, many women have reported that fasting has caused weight gain, blood sugar imbalance, sleeplessness, missed periods, and infertility.
Where men tend to lose fat with fasting, a large portion of women gain it. The mechanism behind this discrepancy likely has to do with how the female body responds to lack of calories. Scientists believe that calorie restriction, even sporadic restriction, causes hormonal dysregulation, and excess cortisol secretion with the body holding onto its fat stores. It’s a “protective response” as the body stores the fat for future survival when calories will be scarce.
What To Do About It: Avoid calorie restriction if you’re exercising at a high intensity or for long duration. Be very cautious with fasting. It sounds counter intuitive, but if you give your body enough energy, with balanced fat, carbs and protein, your hormones will be in happy balance, stress will be lower, and your body will be more willing to give up your fat stores.
#5: Young women have the same ability to build muscle as men. Older women appear to be at a disadvantage when it comes to building muscle.
A common belief is that women can’t build as much muscle as men because they don’t have as much testosterone. Technically this isn’t true. Recent studies show that protein synthesis and gene signaling that leads to muscle gains are nearly equal between young men and women.
However, women start out with less muscle and their bodies tend to be lighter and smaller than men’s, so increases a 10 percent increase in muscle for a woman will be smaller than a man’s in absolute terms.
In addition, very large increases in testosterone such as when a male goes through puberty or when one takes testosterone in the form of steroids do increase muscle mass. The small, transient post-workout increase doesn’t. Rather, the exercise-induced increase is thought to be linked to athletic performance.
A recent study illustrates this: Women and men performed a resistance training workout and then took a protein drink. Muscle protein synthesis was 2.3 times higher in men and 2.7 times higher in women than at rest. Men experienced a 45-fold higher increase in testosterone post-workout than the women, however this had no effect on protein synthesis or gene signaling, which are the primary factors for building muscle.
The exception is older women who have a reduced muscle building response to resistance exercise. They have lower protein synthesis than men of the same age in response to training, which appears to be maintained even when they take supplemental protein, however more research needs to be done regarding dosing.
It’s possible older women require a larger dose of protein or more of the amino acid leucine (which has been found to equalize protein synthesis in older and younger men).
What To Do About It: If you’re a woman who wants to put on muscle, you’re in luck! You won’t look like a man, but you will be able to build muscle in the same way men can. Consider this a good thing!
Do a periodized hypertrophy-style training program that favors moderate reps (8 to 12) and moderate load (65 to 85 percent of the 1RM) for a high volume.
If you just want to get lean, building muscle will help. A small increase in muscle mass will boost your metabolism significantly so you burn exponentially more calories at rest, enabling fat loss.
Use a training program that changes every 3 to 6 weeks to continually shock your body into adapting. Make sure to use heavy enough weights—one of the most common reason women don’t get results from training is that they use weights that are too light.
References may be obtained at,_Build_Muscle,_and_Improve_Performance.aspx
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Hungry? More Yummy ideas and Recipes!
6 oz plain greek yogurt
1 large egg white
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (about 2/3 scoop) vanilla whey protein powder
1 tsp baking soda
Anything else you’d like to add for flavor.
Heat a skillet over medium heat and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Drop batter by the spoonful into the pan. Pancakes will expand as they cook, so don’t put them too close together. When little bubbles start to form all throughout the pancake, it’s time to flip it. Flip it a couple of times until it’s thoroughly cooked. Transfer pancakes to a plate, and top with whatever you’d like. They’re plenty flavorful on their own, but adding a tablespoon of syrup or Fresh berries makes them yummier!
Makes 6 large pancakes. Nutritional information:
Calories: 314, Carbs: 34g, Fat: 1g, Protein: 43g
- 1 package of romaine hearts
- 1 cup croutons
- freshly ground black pepper
- 1 whole FRESH lemon, juiced
- 2 tablespoons freshly grated parmesan cheese
- Walden Farms Caesar Dressing

Risotto is a creamy Italian rice dish usually made with Arborio rice. It can be a little time consuming but it's worth it. This is a dish that will impress guests. I used Baby Bella mushrooms, but you can use crimini, portobello, porcini or a combination of all three.
Servings: 6 • Size: 1 cup • Time: 30 minutes • Calories: 278
Heat chicken stock in a small pot and keep on low heat.
In a medium size heavy sauce pan, saute garlic in 1 tsp olive oil. Addmushrooms, salt and pepper and cook 1 minute. Add 1/2 cup of the chicken stock and let the mushrooms cook about 4 minutes. Set aside.
Add butter to the pan on set flame to medium-low heat. Add shallots, sauté about 1 minute. Add rice mixing well until well coated and translucent, about 2 minutes. Add wine, salt and pepper and mix well until it is absorbed into the rice. Ladle 1 cup stock into rice and mixuntil all stock is absorbed, add another ladle, and continue adding and stirringuntil all broth is absorbed, about 20-25 minutes. Add mushrooms, parmesan cheese and parsley, mix well and serve.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Save the HOOBIES!
Start with 3 sets of 10 for each exercise. 30 second- 1 minute rest in between sets.
Flat bench press
And Again ABS ❤️❤️❤️❤️💪👍