Thursday, September 11, 2014


I am so tired of hearing "I can't" "I am not strong enough" "I don't have time" "I don't have enough energy"!!!!! It makes me want to scream. Yes, you can. Yes you do! 

You have to start somewhere! Start with stopping the negative talk and BS excuses!

Just wanting it is not enough! You have to work for it! EARN IT! Then be proud of your accomplishments.

I work 40-50 hours a week. I have two children, an amazing guy I love to spend time with, and a large house to clean. My kids play soccer and gymnastics. I still like to watch my t.v. Shows, etc.

My point??...

I make time to work out at least 12 hours each week. Is it easy? No. I must organize, plan ahead, and squeeze it in where it fits that still gives me the most time with my family. I am not superwoman! If I can do it, you can do it! Need help? Just ask! 

If it is really something you want, you will make time. If it is not, then quit pretending and quit the excuses. 

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