Sunday, September 7, 2014

Keeping It Real

I hate this part, but I think it's important. It's important to show progress and show that your hard work is paying off. On the other hand, it is TMI. Then again, I stand on stage in front of thousands of people in the same suit, so I need to get over it right? 

Here are my 3 week progress pics. On the left is today. On the right is 3 weeks ago. I have been focusing my workouts on strictly Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Shoulders and Abs.

New pics side by side:

So for only three weeks, this is huge! I have been on STRICT diet and cardio 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes in addition to my strength training. I have seven weeks to go! Initially I thought I would try to get down to 120 lbs for the show, but we tested my body fat today and I am at 13.8% (down 2% in three weeks).  I currently weigh 142-143, So my lean body weight is 134. That may be as low as I can get down.  I am anxious to see what the next 5-7 weeks have in store for me. 

Thanks for following and thanks for the support!  Keep pushing hard and keep taking those comparison pics to prove to yourself that change IS happening! No one ever said it would be easy. 

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