Monday, June 2, 2014


Please Please Please if you are new to lifting TRUST ME and start off with lighter weights! Not sure what the exercises are? You can look them up on YouTube or Fitness Buddy App. Or ask and I will send you video example.

In case you are wondering what to work out when, here is an example of my weekly work out: 

Monday: Leg Day
Tuesday: Back and Biceps (SS abs)
Wednesday: Chest and Triceps
Thursday: Shoulders and Abs
Friday: Butt and Abs
Saturday: Plyometrics/ Circuits / Stretch
Sunday: Rest/Stretch

I do not believe in total body workouts.  It is hard to get a good workout when you only do 1 exercise per muscle group. Your muscle groups need a good workout; 4-6 exercises per muscle group is sufficient. Your muscles then need time to heal. 

LEG MONDAY: (today consisted of)
Deep Squats with 40 lb bar: 4 sets of 20
One legged dead lifts: 4 sets of 10
Dead lifts with 45 lb bar: 4 sets of 20
SS with 30 sec-1 minute Wall Sits
Smith machine lunges 20lb: 4 sets of 20
SS with 20 box jumps
(SS = Superset)

Let me know what you think if you do it, then give me a second day after update. 

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